Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Diamonds In a Rough, Princess Gems

Jamila Harris, mother of Haniyah partner and inspire other girls to pursue their dream. ( Picture 1)

The Princess Gems and Haniyah get busy explore their dream to help prepare for their destiny!(Picture 2)

Haniyah introduced her new book Hyacinth's First Day of School to the Princess Gems. Saturday, October 24, 2009. (Picture 3)


  1. Haniyah we are so proud of you. Continue to do good, trust in God. Love Your Family!

  2. Haniyah and Jamila, I am proud of you! This touched my heart when I saw your photos. Continue to believe, you will achieve. Love Zalika!

  3. I love the way you are inspiring your little daughter. It is so touching to see you both working as a Mother-Daughter Team. You can't imagine how much you are impacting the young artists and writers. I wish you would take Haniyah to Tyler Perry's Theater, and see if she can become a part of his productions. She is so talented as are you. I love the photos.
    Love as Always,

  4. This is really really good. I am so proud of and I'm proud of you as well for raising her up as a child should go.

  5. Haniyah writes too? wow,you and Haniyah were great on TV last night.
    Pastor Pharr

  6. Praises to you both. I am so proud of you having your daughter share what is at hand now. This speaks volume to me. Train up a child in the way that she shall go, when she is older, she will not depart. Yes, these seeds will grow and bring forth much fruit. Be blessed.

  7. Mrs. Heddie,
    I want to thank you for your encouragement towards me. You are a great friend to my mom and I.
